Wednesday, February 11, 2009


It seems like I'm constantly in a doctor's office. I am actually starting to get used to having blood taken and IVs started. This time I didn't have either of the two done. I went to my GI doctor who is treating me for the Hep C. The reason he wanted to see me was concerning the spot on my liver. It measures approximately 13 cm, which is a little over 5 inches. Our game plan on this issue is to schedule an appointment with one of the liver surgeons at UAB. They will run the appropriate testing to see if this is just a benign spot or if it is cancerous. After we get to a firm diagnosis then we will discuss treatment of the Hep C. We are waiting because the viral load is low and the strain is the most common and easiest to treat.

Please continue to pray as we are going through some rough things. I know the Lord is sovereign, has a plan and will get glory through this situation one way or another.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We're keeping you all in our have the ABLC list with email and ph numbers? Holler if we can help or just listen.