Hello, this Aaron Mascolino Shawna's Husband. I apologize that I am just now getting around to posting this. I say this with joy and tears; Shawna is with her Lord and Savoir now. It has been over 6 weeks since she passed away. I miss her dearly. Thank you for your prayers and support. Please excuse the shortness of this post this is hard to do so please if you questions you may email me.
In Christ,
- Aaron Mascolino
- aaron@mascolino.com

Monday, January 4, 2010
Friday, November 13, 2009
Hi guys. Well, I know it's been a long time since I've posted anything. Let's just say I've been taking a little bit of a vacation. Aaron, RJ and I went to the Creation Museum. It was a lot more fun than the last time. RJ fell a sleep when we were touring the museum and started getting routy as it was close to time to leave the museum. We all had a fun time. One of the perks was that because we stayed in a larger room there was the ability to block off areas and let RJ just crawl around. By the way...RJ is now 1 year old as of October 24th. I've got pictures but my camera is actually in the car. And as of tonight he's got 6 yeeth! This opens more food opportunities!!
Aaron and I celebrated our 9th year of marriage in Gatlinburg on the 28th. It was wonderful. We are hoping to go back in a couple weeks. I would like to stay at the "Christmas Hotel". We know that that might not be possible so we may look at a nice hotel in town or go the way the way we always do and that's a cabin. I would prefer the cabin but since we may only stay overnight then a hotel might be the best choice. Either way it will be a fun trip.
Some things have happened since the last post in my health. In October we were given the news that there was nothing medically that they could do and that the cancer had actually spread to my lungs and there are more spots on the liver. When we first got the news it was very shocking, but we prayed to our Father in Heaven that He would give us peace and comfort at this time. This whole trial has been showerd in prayer, by friends, family, and people we don't even know...Friends who have told us that their friends are praying for us. I'll continue (praying and this story) From there I was sent to be admitted to UAB for a blood transfusion. Later that evening Aaron and I were in the hospital room talking and we both agreed with amazement that we had been given the peace and comfort we needed and asked the Lord for. I can't tell you how many times He has done this in our lives.
There was another time that the Lord answered prayer that just amazes me. Aaron and I were in the hospital and he really wanted his hymnal to sing some songs to me. He called our pastor who said that he would come visit us that nite. Well as he was leaving to come to the hospital (from Owens Cross Roads to Birmingham) he felt that he needed to bring his hymnal...Aaron didn't ask or allude to it at all. Our pastor arrived and handed Aaron the hymnal and Aaron just started crying...this was truly an answer to prayer.
The Lord answered a prayer of ours on Wednesday. We needed someone to keep RJ for a few hours while I went to the doctor. It was very short notice and we prayed that we would be able to find someone that we trusted and who had kept him before. The first person we called was not able to (and I hope their family is feeling better.) Praise the Lord, the second person we called was completely free, able and willing to keep him. She had also kept him before so she was familiar with some of his habits. Again; the Lord answers prayer.
So it stands...I've got swelling and am taking lasix for that, I'm also having some confusion/memory problems. And the pain has picked up a little. It was never bad to begin with. On Thursday we are going back to CCI to get bloodwork done. We had gone this Thursday and the week before. Right now my white cell count is at 0.5...very low. So, we are trying to figure why such a drop in a week. I have to where a mask IF I go into public places or around people. Handsanitizer is now my best friend. We are praying that my white blood count goes up and my red blood cells either stay the same or go up as well. So, if you would pray for these specific things, I would really appreciate it. Also, we are starting to look into Hospice and if you would pray for that specifically I would greatly appreciate that as well. And Aaron especially...he has been a BIG BIG help and support during all this. He takes care of me better than any nurse could. I cannot put into words just how much I appreciate everything he does.
Oh, today I learned that I have a habit of sleeping in odd positions such as...a Kung-fu position, or my arms might be straight out with my elbows bent. Or I may have a book in my hands as if I'm reading it. He's told me that he will put my arms down I don't feel him doing this and I have NO idea that this has even happened. I was so surprised when he told me this.
I'm sure most of you who read my have'nt seen me in a while. One day I'll get a picture of RJ and myself on here. RJ is 2.5 feet tall and myself, I'm the same height however; I have an unkempt military buzz (my decision) and nice hat and scarf collection. I like hats and scarfs.
Well, that is about 2 months summed up in a few paragraphs. I promise I will try to update more often. Thanks for all your prayers and support. Love you all!! Please keep in touch and I will try to do the same inbetween doctors appointments.
Aaron and I celebrated our 9th year of marriage in Gatlinburg on the 28th. It was wonderful. We are hoping to go back in a couple weeks. I would like to stay at the "Christmas Hotel". We know that that might not be possible so we may look at a nice hotel in town or go the way the way we always do and that's a cabin. I would prefer the cabin but since we may only stay overnight then a hotel might be the best choice. Either way it will be a fun trip.
Some things have happened since the last post in my health. In October we were given the news that there was nothing medically that they could do and that the cancer had actually spread to my lungs and there are more spots on the liver. When we first got the news it was very shocking, but we prayed to our Father in Heaven that He would give us peace and comfort at this time. This whole trial has been showerd in prayer, by friends, family, and people we don't even know...Friends who have told us that their friends are praying for us. I'll continue (praying and this story) From there I was sent to be admitted to UAB for a blood transfusion. Later that evening Aaron and I were in the hospital room talking and we both agreed with amazement that we had been given the peace and comfort we needed and asked the Lord for. I can't tell you how many times He has done this in our lives.
There was another time that the Lord answered prayer that just amazes me. Aaron and I were in the hospital and he really wanted his hymnal to sing some songs to me. He called our pastor who said that he would come visit us that nite. Well as he was leaving to come to the hospital (from Owens Cross Roads to Birmingham) he felt that he needed to bring his hymnal...Aaron didn't ask or allude to it at all. Our pastor arrived and handed Aaron the hymnal and Aaron just started crying...this was truly an answer to prayer.
The Lord answered a prayer of ours on Wednesday. We needed someone to keep RJ for a few hours while I went to the doctor. It was very short notice and we prayed that we would be able to find someone that we trusted and who had kept him before. The first person we called was not able to (and I hope their family is feeling better.) Praise the Lord, the second person we called was completely free, able and willing to keep him. She had also kept him before so she was familiar with some of his habits. Again; the Lord answers prayer.
So it stands...I've got swelling and am taking lasix for that, I'm also having some confusion/memory problems. And the pain has picked up a little. It was never bad to begin with. On Thursday we are going back to CCI to get bloodwork done. We had gone this Thursday and the week before. Right now my white cell count is at 0.5...very low. So, we are trying to figure why such a drop in a week. I have to where a mask IF I go into public places or around people. Handsanitizer is now my best friend. We are praying that my white blood count goes up and my red blood cells either stay the same or go up as well. So, if you would pray for these specific things, I would really appreciate it. Also, we are starting to look into Hospice and if you would pray for that specifically I would greatly appreciate that as well. And Aaron especially...he has been a BIG BIG help and support during all this. He takes care of me better than any nurse could. I cannot put into words just how much I appreciate everything he does.
Oh, today I learned that I have a habit of sleeping in odd positions such as...a Kung-fu position, or my arms might be straight out with my elbows bent. Or I may have a book in my hands as if I'm reading it. He's told me that he will put my arms down I don't feel him doing this and I have NO idea that this has even happened. I was so surprised when he told me this.
I'm sure most of you who read my have'nt seen me in a while. One day I'll get a picture of RJ and myself on here. RJ is 2.5 feet tall and myself, I'm the same height however; I have an unkempt military buzz (my decision) and nice hat and scarf collection. I like hats and scarfs.
Well, that is about 2 months summed up in a few paragraphs. I promise I will try to update more often. Thanks for all your prayers and support. Love you all!! Please keep in touch and I will try to do the same inbetween doctors appointments.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The God of Miracles
Today we got some wonderful news. About a week ago I had an MRI done of my head because I had been having headaches and we were concerned that the cancer may be spreading in the head. As usual, we were anticpating what the news would be and we had a holiday weekend to go through as well. Today we got the news. It appears that there are no signs of the cancer on my head...the radiation/the Lord had taken care of the cancer. Praise God!!! He is the only one to be thanked, praised and honored!!! He is the God of miracles and he has truly worked one. Thank you for all your prayers for my health and our family. Thank you Lord for your mercy and lovingkindness!!

Monday, August 24, 2009
How Are You?
It seems like "How are you?" is always the first 3 words in any conversation I have with another person. It's not that I don't appreciate people asking, it's just that it dawned on me that it is the first 3 words to start any conversation someone has with me. What if we try something different...why not ask "Hey, have you had any pickled beets lately?" Ya know, just to shake things up a bit. Hehehehe.
Well, this post was really intended to try and give a little update and share a few things. Right now I am blogging from Crestwood Hospital Room Number 322. We are on day number 4 and very much ready to go home...to real food. I've been on a liquid diet the whole time I've been here. But, first, let me back up and fill you in on what has happened up to this point. My mom is now out of the hospital and has to stay off her toe (not the easiest thing for her to do). She still has to take the IV antibiotics, and I believe it's getting easier for dad to administer them to her. Thank you for all your prayers.
Now comes the tricky part of trying to remember all the little things I've been going through that past couple weeks. It all just seems like a blur. What I failed to mention in my last post was that the doctor in Birmingham scheduled me for a colonoscopy, which came back fine. Well, I was still having bleeding problems. I was currently taking something for heartburn/acid indigestion every day. However; I was still getting the heartburn. Aaron decided that we should call our GI doctor and we did. They were able to get us in the next day. (Answer to prayer.) We saw him on a Thursday He scheduled us for an Endoscopy or something like that...it's called and EGD. This was scheduled for the next day; Friday. (Another answer to prayer.) The EGD was able to find that I had a pyloric ulcer that appeard to be the cause of the bleeding. (Another answer to prayer.) So, how did I get back here? Well, I was feeling the same way I had felt before when my red blood count was low. We called the doctor and they set up an appointment for me to have my blood checked and sure enough, it was low again. I was admitted on Thursday to get a blood transfusion and we are waiting to be set free. What has been happening is my platelets have been dropping and this morning, they have taken a turn for the better (Another answer to prayer.). However, my red count has dropped a hair, so we are not sure what this is going to mean as far as going home. If you happen to read this please pray that we are able to go home and that the Lord woud sustain the red count and even bring it back up. I will say this, even though this is not the place I would like to be right now, the past 4 days have been good in that Aaron and I have really been able to get into the Word and discuss things of the Lord, listen to sermons and watch some really interesting DVDs on some of the historical places of the Bible. It has really been a time of enjoying the Lord and I am thankful for that.
I know this has become a long post, but there can be a lot of things crammed in my week. Thank you for taking the time to read it. And thank you to all those who have been praying for our family during this. We have definately seen the Lord working all over and it is amazing!!
Well, this post was really intended to try and give a little update and share a few things. Right now I am blogging from Crestwood Hospital Room Number 322. We are on day number 4 and very much ready to go home...to real food. I've been on a liquid diet the whole time I've been here. But, first, let me back up and fill you in on what has happened up to this point. My mom is now out of the hospital and has to stay off her toe (not the easiest thing for her to do). She still has to take the IV antibiotics, and I believe it's getting easier for dad to administer them to her. Thank you for all your prayers.
Now comes the tricky part of trying to remember all the little things I've been going through that past couple weeks. It all just seems like a blur. What I failed to mention in my last post was that the doctor in Birmingham scheduled me for a colonoscopy, which came back fine. Well, I was still having bleeding problems. I was currently taking something for heartburn/acid indigestion every day. However; I was still getting the heartburn. Aaron decided that we should call our GI doctor and we did. They were able to get us in the next day. (Answer to prayer.) We saw him on a Thursday He scheduled us for an Endoscopy or something like that...it's called and EGD. This was scheduled for the next day; Friday. (Another answer to prayer.) The EGD was able to find that I had a pyloric ulcer that appeard to be the cause of the bleeding. (Another answer to prayer.) So, how did I get back here? Well, I was feeling the same way I had felt before when my red blood count was low. We called the doctor and they set up an appointment for me to have my blood checked and sure enough, it was low again. I was admitted on Thursday to get a blood transfusion and we are waiting to be set free. What has been happening is my platelets have been dropping and this morning, they have taken a turn for the better (Another answer to prayer.). However, my red count has dropped a hair, so we are not sure what this is going to mean as far as going home. If you happen to read this please pray that we are able to go home and that the Lord woud sustain the red count and even bring it back up. I will say this, even though this is not the place I would like to be right now, the past 4 days have been good in that Aaron and I have really been able to get into the Word and discuss things of the Lord, listen to sermons and watch some really interesting DVDs on some of the historical places of the Bible. It has really been a time of enjoying the Lord and I am thankful for that.
I know this has become a long post, but there can be a lot of things crammed in my week. Thank you for taking the time to read it. And thank you to all those who have been praying for our family during this. We have definately seen the Lord working all over and it is amazing!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
It's Been a While
I know it's been a while since my last post, and quite a bit has happened. We had an appointment with the oncologist in Birmingham where we found out that my red blood cell count was very low and I then had to be admitted to the hospital for a transfusion. That went well and afterward I felt like a totally different person. We are scheduled to go for another appointment to see him next Monday. I'm hoping we might find out when I may have a CT scan done to see the progress of the radiation and the chemotherapy. But, right now things are going pretty well with me, side effects are minimal, appetite is doing well. The Lord has really blessed me with energy to get out and spend time with Aaron and RJ.
My mom; however, is going through a lot right now. Earlier this week she had to go to the ER because she had a VERY bad migraine headache. She was able to come home, and the next day she had a appointment with her GP who then admitted her to the hospital. She was scheduled to have surgery on her toe also this week. The surgery went as planned and all went well with it. She has had numerous tests ran, and what they have been able to see is that she has a ruptured blood vessel at the base of her brain. The blood vessel has stopped bleeding and the next goal is to find out what has caused this and the best way to treat it. I ask for those who read this to please pray for her. Her name is Debbie. We really do appreciate it!
My mom; however, is going through a lot right now. Earlier this week she had to go to the ER because she had a VERY bad migraine headache. She was able to come home, and the next day she had a appointment with her GP who then admitted her to the hospital. She was scheduled to have surgery on her toe also this week. The surgery went as planned and all went well with it. She has had numerous tests ran, and what they have been able to see is that she has a ruptured blood vessel at the base of her brain. The blood vessel has stopped bleeding and the next goal is to find out what has caused this and the best way to treat it. I ask for those who read this to please pray for her. Her name is Debbie. We really do appreciate it!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Lately mom and I have had to "check our calendars" when making appointments because between Aaron, mom and myself we have had a lot of doctors appointments to make and keep. There have been some appointment conflicts here and there but nothing that couldn't be worked around or re-scheduled. Right now my mom is going through some serious issues with her toe. She went for an MRI the other day and is on antibiotics. As it stands now, the blood work shows that she has an infection in the bone and will require as pic-line and to have IV antibiotics administered to her that way. We are praying that maybe the pic-line won't be absolutely necessary. Our main prayer is that this will take care of her and get the infection totally cleared up and not have to have any other major medial procedures done. If you would please pray for her I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
Knee Surgery
A lot has been going on here lately. One thing that has happened is that Aaron had knee surgery last Wednesday. It went very smoothly and quickly. The surgery was done to remove a piece of dislodged cartilage that was fairly large from Aaron's knee that has been bothering him for years. We are praying now that it has been removed that it will help his back because he's been compensating by the way he walks due to his knee hurting all the time, not to mention taking away the knee pain. He is still fully recovering and having a little pain from the surgery and some of the swelling going down, but all in all he's doing great! Thank the Lord!!!
On Friday, when we were leaving to go to Gatlinburg, my mom called and let us know that R.J. had cut his first tooth and that there was another one on the way. He now has 2 teeth and they are so cute. You can see them more and more every day. They are right beside each other on his bottom gum. I wonder when we will see something come in on his top gums. Won't that look too cute?
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Weekend Getaway
Here is the update I promised of the weekend getaway. Aaron and I decided to take a trip to Gatlinburg for a couple days. We rented a cabin in the woods and it was beautiful. It was decorated in "cowboy" attire with pictures of John Wayne, and Clint Eastwood and other Hollywood Western Icons as well as horseshoes, deerskins, deer heads, comfortable furniture and very spacious. One thing I remember was that the table was set with ceramic plates and matching bowls; but, the bowls were so large and deep...ready for a bowl of homemade chilli or stew. Mmmmm.
Friday we looked around in Pigeon Forge and found a few good deals. We went out to eat and went to see the "Miracle" show. It was a show. Then on Saturday, we went to Gatlinburg and hunted for a few things that we were after. I found my funnel cake, and my frogs. Then Aaron and I found some great Christian T-Shirts that were solid and held to the Word of God. That is something we have been really wanting to find.
What was really great were the many opportunities we had to share the Gospel and leave Gospel tracks. It was truly a blessing! Also, we were able to meet with a gentleman who ran a Bible translation museum and fellowship with him for about 3 and 1/2 hours. Another blessing from the Lord!! In talking with him we found out that his first wife passed away with cancer. It was good to talk to someone else who has gone through what we are going through now. He shared with us a couple things that had happened during his wife's fight with cancer such as coming completely off all medical intervention and choosing an all natural course of treatment and the Lord giving her another 6 years to be with her family. It was truly amazing. What a blessing the Lord bestowed upon us on this trip.
And that was our weekend getaway...long overdue post.
Friday we looked around in Pigeon Forge and found a few good deals. We went out to eat and went to see the "Miracle" show. It was a show. Then on Saturday, we went to Gatlinburg and hunted for a few things that we were after. I found my funnel cake, and my frogs. Then Aaron and I found some great Christian T-Shirts that were solid and held to the Word of God. That is something we have been really wanting to find.
What was really great were the many opportunities we had to share the Gospel and leave Gospel tracks. It was truly a blessing! Also, we were able to meet with a gentleman who ran a Bible translation museum and fellowship with him for about 3 and 1/2 hours. Another blessing from the Lord!! In talking with him we found out that his first wife passed away with cancer. It was good to talk to someone else who has gone through what we are going through now. He shared with us a couple things that had happened during his wife's fight with cancer such as coming completely off all medical intervention and choosing an all natural course of treatment and the Lord giving her another 6 years to be with her family. It was truly amazing. What a blessing the Lord bestowed upon us on this trip.
And that was our weekend getaway...long overdue post.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Overdue Update
It's been a little while since I've updated, so I thought now would be a good time. A bit has happened since the last time I posted. Monday we went to Birmingham to see the Oncologist and let him know how treatments were going along. Things are going good and we have decided on a Chemo-therapy drug that I will be taking as soon as I am done with radiation. The name of the drug is Nexavar and Monday is my last day of radiation. That's also a good things.
Tuesday was Aaron's birthday and he turned 32 years old. I think he had a good day, despite having to take me to and from treatment. Then we went to Funtasia to play some minigolf and I had a dizzy spell and fell. I managed to scrape my knee all up, embarrass my self and feel like I ruined Aaron's birthday. We left there and the gentleman who was working, helped us bandage up my knee and gave us a raincheck. We went to our house and rebandaged the knee and composed myself. Then we decided where we wanted to eat. Aaron chose Sata Fe Steak Co. in Hampton cove. It was really good. He got an 8oz filet that he really enjoyed and I got some nachos that were reall good. All in all it was a good ending to the outing. Then we went back home and watched some of the birthday present that I got for him. I got him Way of the Master seasons 1 and 2.
Yesterday was a long day as well. We went to treatment and then had to talk to the doctor afterward. We told her about the 2 dizzy spells I had this week and the pain I've been having in my left leg and very lower back on that side. I've also been having some slight numbness in the left thigh. She increased the steroid I'm on and has scheduled me for an MRI this morning. Upon looking at the sheet that I give to admission it looks like the wrong area has been marked for the scan. We were told that I was to have my pelvis scaned and the head/brain has been marked. I recently had a head/brain scan and that is one of the areas that is being radiated right now, so there would be no need at this moment to have it scanned for this new pain. We are going to talk to admitting and see if it can't be straightend out while we are there, otherwise I am going to have to talk to the doctor and have it re-scheduled.
Aaron was able to buy the mattress for RJ's crib at our house and we were able to take him there to see and lay on it. He loved it and now his room is almost complete. The only thing missing is the border that matches the bedding and the wall hangings. We're getting there. It was a wonderful feeling getting the mattress and completing one more thing.
Thank you for all your prayers. We appreciate it and I will update again soon!!!!
Tuesday was Aaron's birthday and he turned 32 years old. I think he had a good day, despite having to take me to and from treatment. Then we went to Funtasia to play some minigolf and I had a dizzy spell and fell. I managed to scrape my knee all up, embarrass my self and feel like I ruined Aaron's birthday. We left there and the gentleman who was working, helped us bandage up my knee and gave us a raincheck. We went to our house and rebandaged the knee and composed myself. Then we decided where we wanted to eat. Aaron chose Sata Fe Steak Co. in Hampton cove. It was really good. He got an 8oz filet that he really enjoyed and I got some nachos that were reall good. All in all it was a good ending to the outing. Then we went back home and watched some of the birthday present that I got for him. I got him Way of the Master seasons 1 and 2.
Yesterday was a long day as well. We went to treatment and then had to talk to the doctor afterward. We told her about the 2 dizzy spells I had this week and the pain I've been having in my left leg and very lower back on that side. I've also been having some slight numbness in the left thigh. She increased the steroid I'm on and has scheduled me for an MRI this morning. Upon looking at the sheet that I give to admission it looks like the wrong area has been marked for the scan. We were told that I was to have my pelvis scaned and the head/brain has been marked. I recently had a head/brain scan and that is one of the areas that is being radiated right now, so there would be no need at this moment to have it scanned for this new pain. We are going to talk to admitting and see if it can't be straightend out while we are there, otherwise I am going to have to talk to the doctor and have it re-scheduled.
Aaron was able to buy the mattress for RJ's crib at our house and we were able to take him there to see and lay on it. He loved it and now his room is almost complete. The only thing missing is the border that matches the bedding and the wall hangings. We're getting there. It was a wonderful feeling getting the mattress and completing one more thing.
Thank you for all your prayers. We appreciate it and I will update again soon!!!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Hair Today...Gone Tomorrow
Today will be treatment number 5 and that means we are at the half-way mark. I haven't had many side effects from the radiation so far. One thing that is happening is a little bit of hair loss. This could be because of the chemo-embolization or the radiation. I think it may be more from the embolization because we were told that there may be some hair loss associated with it. I am expecting to loose more hair from the radiation; however, those side effects usually start about 2 weeks after the first treatment. I have started to prepare for the hairloss and have ordered some hats and a scarf. Mom and dad have even said that they would shave thier head in support. Oh my! So, that's what's been going on lately. Things are going very well and I have more energy than I've had in a while. I feel more like getting out and about and have been enjoying getting out to go to the treatments. The Lord is continuing to bless our family. He is giving me the strength, the peace and the endurance I need to want to do these things. Thank you Lord!! And, thank you for all your prayers. The Lord hears and is answering them. It is so amazing to see Him answer little requests and show us things day by day. How wonderful it is to belong to Him!!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
2 Down...8 To Go
Yesterday I went to my second radiation treatment at Crestwood. The treatment process is very short and that is a huge benefit because during one part of the treatment a mesh mask is placed over my face and bolted down. If that part of the treatment were too long I would be afraid of becoming claustrophobic. I go for a total of 10 treatments; today being the third. After the treatment today I will meet with the doctor to discuss how things are going. The staff where I am going is very nice and care about how you and your loved ones are doing during this time. The nurse who is there also had cancer, so she is able to know exactly what's going on and how you may be feeling. I am thankful that she is there. The Lord keeps blessing us in many little ways here and there. Thank you Lord!!
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