Tuesday was Aaron's birthday and he turned 32 years old. I think he had a good day, despite having to take me to and from treatment. Then we went to Funtasia to play some minigolf and I had a dizzy spell and fell. I managed to scrape my knee all up, embarrass my self and feel like I ruined Aaron's birthday. We left there and the gentleman who was working, helped us bandage up my knee and gave us a raincheck. We went to our house and rebandaged the knee and composed myself. Then we decided where we wanted to eat. Aaron chose Sata Fe Steak Co. in Hampton cove. It was really good. He got an 8oz filet that he really enjoyed and I got some nachos that were reall good. All in all it was a good ending to the outing. Then we went back home and watched some of the birthday present that I got for him. I got him Way of the Master seasons 1 and 2.
Yesterday was a long day as well. We went to treatment and then had to talk to the doctor afterward. We told her about the 2 dizzy spells I had this week and the pain I've been having in my left leg and very lower back on that side. I've also been having some slight numbness in the left thigh. She increased the steroid I'm on and has scheduled me for an MRI this morning. Upon looking at the sheet that I give to admission it looks like the wrong area has been marked for the scan. We were told that I was to have my pelvis scaned and the head/brain has been marked. I recently had a head/brain scan and that is one of the areas that is being radiated right now, so there would be no need at this moment to have it scanned for this new pain. We are going to talk to admitting and see if it can't be straightend out while we are there, otherwise I am going to have to talk to the doctor and have it re-scheduled.
Aaron was able to buy the mattress for RJ's crib at our house and we were able to take him there to see and lay on it. He loved it and now his room is almost complete. The only thing missing is the border that matches the bedding and the wall hangings. We're getting there. It was a wonderful feeling getting the mattress and completing one more thing.
Thank you for all your prayers. We appreciate it and I will update again soon!!!!
Keep in touch, woman! :) Never sure when to call..but you know where I put in 8 hours (more or less)
Praying for you and yours..
Hugs, Shawna. So did they do the scan on the pelvis? Have your dizzy spells left you? Prayers...Miiko
Just checkin in Shawna. It is so awesome to read through your journey and to see the ways in which God brings people and events to you to strengthen and/or encourage you. We continue to lift you, Aaron, RJ and your family up in prayer. Here is a big hug!!!!!!!
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