Well, this post was really intended to try and give a little update and share a few things. Right now I am blogging from Crestwood Hospital Room Number 322. We are on day number 4 and very much ready to go home...to real food. I've been on a liquid diet the whole time I've been here. But, first, let me back up and fill you in on what has happened up to this point. My mom is now out of the hospital and has to stay off her toe (not the easiest thing for her to do). She still has to take the IV antibiotics, and I believe it's getting easier for dad to administer them to her. Thank you for all your prayers.
Now comes the tricky part of trying to remember all the little things I've been going through that past couple weeks. It all just seems like a blur. What I failed to mention in my last post was that the doctor in Birmingham scheduled me for a colonoscopy, which came back fine. Well, I was still having bleeding problems. I was currently taking something for heartburn/acid indigestion every day. However; I was still getting the heartburn. Aaron decided that we should call our GI doctor and we did. They were able to get us in the next day. (Answer to prayer.) We saw him on a Thursday He scheduled us for an Endoscopy or something like that...it's called and EGD. This was scheduled for the next day; Friday. (Another answer to prayer.) The EGD was able to find that I had a pyloric ulcer that appeard to be the cause of the bleeding. (Another answer to prayer.) So, how did I get back here? Well, I was feeling the same way I had felt before when my red blood count was low. We called the doctor and they set up an appointment for me to have my blood checked and sure enough, it was low again. I was admitted on Thursday to get a blood transfusion and we are waiting to be set free. What has been happening is my platelets have been dropping and this morning, they have taken a turn for the better (Another answer to prayer.). However, my red count has dropped a hair, so we are not sure what this is going to mean as far as going home. If you happen to read this please pray that we are able to go home and that the Lord woud sustain the red count and even bring it back up. I will say this, even though this is not the place I would like to be right now, the past 4 days have been good in that Aaron and I have really been able to get into the Word and discuss things of the Lord, listen to sermons and watch some really interesting DVDs on some of the historical places of the Bible. It has really been a time of enjoying the Lord and I am thankful for that.
I know this has become a long post, but there can be a lot of things crammed in my week. Thank you for taking the time to read it. And thank you to all those who have been praying for our family during this. We have definately seen the Lord working all over and it is amazing!!
1 comment:
Well, HAVE you had any pickled beets lately? I hope you get home soon to some real home cooked food soon!
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