Aaron and I celebrated our 9th year of marriage in Gatlinburg on the 28th. It was wonderful. We are hoping to go back in a couple weeks. I would like to stay at the "Christmas Hotel". We know that that might not be possible so we may look at a nice hotel in town or go the way the way we always do and that's a cabin. I would prefer the cabin but since we may only stay overnight then a hotel might be the best choice. Either way it will be a fun trip.
Some things have happened since the last post in my health. In October we were given the news that there was nothing medically that they could do and that the cancer had actually spread to my lungs and there are more spots on the liver. When we first got the news it was very shocking, but we prayed to our Father in Heaven that He would give us peace and comfort at this time. This whole trial has been showerd in prayer, by friends, family, and people we don't even know...Friends who have told us that their friends are praying for us. I'll continue (praying and this story) From there I was sent to be admitted to UAB for a blood transfusion. Later that evening Aaron and I were in the hospital room talking and we both agreed with amazement that we had been given the peace and comfort we needed and asked the Lord for. I can't tell you how many times He has done this in our lives.
There was another time that the Lord answered prayer that just amazes me. Aaron and I were in the hospital and he really wanted his hymnal to sing some songs to me. He called our pastor who said that he would come visit us that nite. Well as he was leaving to come to the hospital (from Owens Cross Roads to Birmingham) he felt that he needed to bring his hymnal...Aaron didn't ask or allude to it at all. Our pastor arrived and handed Aaron the hymnal and Aaron just started crying...this was truly an answer to prayer.
The Lord answered a prayer of ours on Wednesday. We needed someone to keep RJ for a few hours while I went to the doctor. It was very short notice and we prayed that we would be able to find someone that we trusted and who had kept him before. The first person we called was not able to (and I hope their family is feeling better.) Praise the Lord, the second person we called was completely free, able and willing to keep him. She had also kept him before so she was familiar with some of his habits. Again; the Lord answers prayer.
So it stands...I've got swelling and am taking lasix for that, I'm also having some confusion/memory problems. And the pain has picked up a little. It was never bad to begin with. On Thursday we are going back to CCI to get bloodwork done. We had gone this Thursday and the week before. Right now my white cell count is at 0.5...very low. So, we are trying to figure why such a drop in a week. I have to where a mask IF I go into public places or around people. Handsanitizer is now my best friend. We are praying that my white blood count goes up and my red blood cells either stay the same or go up as well. So, if you would pray for these specific things, I would really appreciate it. Also, we are starting to look into Hospice and if you would pray for that specifically I would greatly appreciate that as well. And Aaron especially...he has been a BIG BIG help and support during all this. He takes care of me better than any nurse could. I cannot put into words just how much I appreciate everything he does.
Oh, today I learned that I have a habit of sleeping in odd positions such as...a Kung-fu position, or my arms might be straight out with my elbows bent. Or I may have a book in my hands as if I'm reading it. He's told me that he will put my arms down I don't feel him doing this and I have NO idea that this has even happened. I was so surprised when he told me this.
I'm sure most of you who read my have'nt seen me in a while. One day I'll get a picture of RJ and myself on here. RJ is 2.5 feet tall and myself, I'm the same height however; I have an unkempt military buzz (my decision) and nice hat and scarf collection. I like hats and scarfs.
Well, that is about 2 months summed up in a few paragraphs. I promise I will try to update more often. Thanks for all your prayers and support. Love you all!! Please keep in touch and I will try to do the same inbetween doctors appointments.

Happy Anniversary!!! And Birthday RJ!! You are always in our prayers and thoughts.
I have been thinking about you and I am so glad you updated your blog. I will be praying for you and Aaron and RJ. I would LOVE to see you sometime when you are feeling up to it. I will even bring you some of my yummy chocolate chip cookies! We stayed at the Inn at Christmas Place and it is awesome and we can't wait to go back. I hope you are able to get a room there!
Hello there! I'm blog hopping tonight, and "just happened" across your blog. I'm in the Shoals, so we are neighbors.
So very sorry to hear about your health issues. I do know God is able, and I will certainly add you to my prayers, and especially the specifics prayer points that you requested.
The creation museum that you mentioned, was that in Eureka Springs, Arkansas? A great friend of mine is the founder of the Creation Truth Foundation and that particular museum.
Looking forward to hearing some good news from you soon.
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I just stumbled on your blog, and am praying for you. What an amazing encouragement you are to trust God in this situation--makes my own problems feel so petty.
God be with you and your family. I'll be praying for a miracle.
I'm absolutely disgusted at the spam posts on this blog. This was a very much loved family member who passed away, and you want to use this as a way to make money?
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