Saturday, June 20, 2009

Dry Run

Yesterday Aaron and I went to the Cancer Center at Crestwood for our dry run of the treatments that I will be having. It was a pretty short, and to the point. Each treatment session should only take about 20-30 minutes tops. I have been given a barcoded card where I just have to walk in and scan the card. Then I go to a dressing room and change into gowns and wait in the waiting room for my appointment time. The actuall radiaion session is about 15 minutes. Not a very long time at all.

Everyone ther is really nice. When you come in the nurses talk to you and ask how you've been doing and ask your spouce how they have been doing. They generally care and want to make sure that they can do anything they can to make you comfortable. I am very thankful that the Lord has surrounded me with all the caring people that he has. I am actually looking forward to having the radiation treatment done and seeing what the Lord is going to do. I know the side effects might be rough, but with the Lords strenght I will endure.

Thank you all those who have been praying for us during this time. I would ask, if you would, to please pray for Aaron as he is doing so much to take care of me and RJ through this. Also, please pray for my parents as they are helping to take care of RJ and me as well. They all have been such a blessing and I am very thankful for everything they have done.

1 comment:

shannon said...

trying this comment thing again :)

Praying you can make it to church tomorrow..I've got a sack for you!

Call anytime, for anything..both of you!