Well, on the 10th we made another trip to UAB again. It all started with a sarp pain on my right side where the liver is. I called the oncologist to ask what we shoul do or who we should call. We were told that we hsould go to the ER and get checked out. We decided that UAB would be the best place to go since all the doctors are there and UAB has all the medical records concerning my cancer. So, we went to UAB and they were able to see me fast and then a little while later we found out we were staying and we were set up with a room. Before going to the room I had an MRI one of the head, a CT scan. And also had an abdominal scan. We found out that the cancer has spread to the spine, the spleen, and the sack around the brain called the managie. We spent about a total of 6 days in the hospital. So, from here we move on to radiation therapy. And, just a few hours after being released from the hospital we were being set up with a radiation therapy schedule. I will only be doing radiation on the spine, and the area around the brain, Then, we move on the chemo-therapy which will then effect all the cancer cells (that's where the cancer in the spleen will be targeted). Evaluations will be done all throughout the treatments and at the end of the chemo treatment we will determini if another chemo-embilozation will be needed. It's possilbe it will not and the tumor in the liver can be resected. Or, there may be a need for another one. We will just have to see what the Lord does through all this.
The Lord put someone interesting in our path as we were riding up to our room. The gentleman who was pushing the wheel chair told us his story with cancer. He was diagnosed with cancer and it spread to different parts of his body. He had a tumor the size of a grapefruit in his liver as well a a tumor the size of a golfball in his brain. After different therapies and surgeries he is now cancer-free as of the last year. Praise the Lord that he is doing so well. The Lord use this man to give us some hope and encouragement right when we needed it. The Lord has sent a couple of people our way with similar stories of hope and encouragement.
The Lord has given another trial in which we have the opportunity to glorify his name, praise Him and see just what He is capable of doing. The Lord has given me so many people who want to help any way they can. It is such a blessing to have these people!Thank you all who have been praying for us.

Shawna, you have been on my mind so much lately. I am sorry to hear this latest news but am so glad that God is sending you rays of hope and uplift you through the new people you are meeting. I have and will continue praying for you. You are a very special woman and you are a blessing to me. Take care. V
I'm sorry Shawna. I have been thinking about you a lot lately. I would love to see you sometime so when you are up to let me know. If there is anything you need or that I can do for you please let me know!! I'll make sure to pray for you and I'll tell Caleb to pray too. He loves to talk to God!
Dearest Shawna,
You have been in my heart and thoughts...you are such a sweet blessing to everyone around you...it hurts me so much to know of the latest development...but I know we can all continue to trust our Heavenly Abba...praying for you and your precious family.
Love and hugs,
I will keep you in my prayers! If there is ever anything I can do please let me know. I miss you!
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