Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today was my cardiologist appointment at UAB. We left the house at 5:15 and made it to the Kirkland Clinic at 7:25. We made good time. We were brought back to the exam room and the doctor's assistant got some information, asked a series of questions and said that he would talk with the doctor and she would be with us in a few minutes. A few minutes later the doctor comes into the room and informs us that she is not the right doctor for us to see. She specializes in angioplasty and stents and felt we really needed to see someone who specializes in congenital defects. While we were there she was able to fit us in to see one of the pediactric cardiologists; therefore it was not a wasted trip. We were very thankful for that.

After getting some papers to take with us we made the long walk to another building and made our way to the office. It was surprising to see that this office had been named in honor of a cardiologist who I used to see when I was younger. It wasn't long after we got there that they called us back and got an X-ray and we waited in a room. The doctor we were to see was in the OR and would be in shortly. Our doctor was Dr. Romp, a very nice doctor who was very attentive and only wanted to get to the bottom of what was going on. That was such a relief. After doing an echo cardiogram that looked good we sat down and talked about our options. The game plan is to have a heart catheterization to get further information and take action to correct the pulmonary artery stenosis. Depending on what they see and if they can correct the problem at hand determines what we do next...it could be nothing or surgery.

Further, the doctor also recommended that I still see the pulmonologist so that we can look at it from other angles and the more information we have the better. All in all I was very pleased with our trip and thankful that we were listened to and given a course of action. The Lord was with us the entire time working out the details. He is sovereign and in control.

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